my (17 main) UFO experiences


Witnessed Characteristics: how they looked and what they did

My chief Ufo experiences by date

1. Introductory incident
between Oct. 2-15, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

2. Oct. 10, 1975, number 1

illustration detail part 1 and part 2

full written report

original report

3. Oct. 10, 1975, number 2

illustration detail

full written report

original report

4. Oct. 12, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

5. Nov. 4, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

6. between Oct. 20 - Dec. 17, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

7. Dec. 8, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

8. Dec. 17, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

9. Dec. 28, 1975

illustration detail

full written report

original report

10. Jan. 4, 1976

illustration detail

full written report

original report

What i progressively experienced/learned in succession
during the first 10 short sightings

11. Jan. 6, 1976

illustration detail a and b

full written report

original report part 1 and part 2

12. Jan. 25, 1976

illustration detail

full written report

original report

13. Jan. 27, 1976

illustration detail part 1 part 2 part 3 and part 4

full written report

original report part 1 and part 2

14. from the end of Jan. through mid-Feb., 1976

illustration detail

full written report

original report part 1 and part 2

15. April 27, 1976

illustration detail

full written report

original report

16. Aug. 16, 1976

illustration detail

full written report

original report

17. soon before Aug. 15, 1979

illustration detail

full written report

original report

My uncomfortable Reactions and their Responses

"No thanks for more" again

Original list of the outstanding original reports

Original collected illustrations of their
shapes, illumination, colours, flight angles, and movements,
with my initial notes about their technology: A, B

Conjectures about their Advanced Energy Technology
based on my specific UFO sightings

UFOs contra Crop-circles as messenger-forms

My pet imagination about the origins and purposes of UFOs,
and about humanity's extended family

Higher-level Implications of their contact